To, The Chairman, Institutional Ethics Committee RIMS ADILABAD
Applicant: Dr. Jadhav Pramod Eknathrao, Associate Professor, Dept. of ENT RIMS, ADILABAD (A.P.). I have operated Mr. N. Nakanna, Age 65 Years, Male with Nasal tumor, On Histopathology report revealed that the patient had spindle cell sarcoma. This pathology is very rare and when I cross checked the references there is not a single case reported up till now/ Hence I sent the sample slides for Inmuno Histochemistry a confirmative evolution and sought the report. In the interest of information to Medical Community and a evoke more interest in seeking feedback from Medical Researchers, I feel this case should be reported in Medical Research Journal. I have obtained necessary consent from patient to publish his case report and photograph.
I therefore request the chairman IEC and Members of IEC RIMS ADILABAD to kindly give me permission to publish the case report of "Rare Case of Spindle Cell Sarcoma in Nasal Cavity" and oblige.
Thanking You.